Sunday 26 November 2006

Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, a.k.a. Mr. Eko: Always a Fashion Plate!! [NSFW]

The truth is, there are dozens of clips of Mr. Eko available from his old series, the brutal but excellent '97-2000 HBO prison drama "Oz," but most of them feature either explicit man-on-man rape, graphic beheadings, or worse! So in order to try to keep this site family friendly (the fact that the 2nd line in this clip contains the word motherf*&!$r notwithstanding), I chose a brief selection of Eko displaying his always haute couture fashion sense. In "Lost," it was unusual chin-beard nubs (removable, of course); back in "Oz," though, it was the rarely pulled-off "fork as hat" look. Mr. Eko: Always pioneering the new trends...

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